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Daily Chit Chat
A place to chat

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1 post by 1 person
Toni ČoriΔ‡ wrote 02:16pm on 23 August 2024
i just got a 2013 oculus rift dev kit 1 prototype for free
1 post by 1 person
Jeff Lynn wrote 03:15pm on 16 August 2024
That is the question! πŸ€”
1 post by 1 person
Jeff Lynn wrote 10:10am on 15 August 2024
I'm not so sure how to find other people's groups on here yet? Anyways, at least we can create them.
Displaying 2 of 2 wall posts
aweless <3 wrote11:24pm on 18 August 2024
hi :)
Jeff Lynn wrote03:21pm on 26 July 2024
Ooh, hello there! πŸ€“