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Offline Friends
Hiiiiiiii. Hoping we can interact! :)
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2 posts by 2 people
Itsuki Hayashi replied to Tomie Kawakami's post 09:34pm on 11 September 2024
I did, but like I need to sit down and expand on them lol. I need to get back into social media immersion.
2 posts by 2 people
Milica <3 replied to Tomie Kawakami's post 09:37am on 21 August 2024
Displaying 3 of 6 wall posts
Ethan Fraser wrote04:02pm on 13 August 2024
i love off---line because it's really only accessible through the computer!! i use an iphone 6 (previously a flip-phone but it broke :( ) and since its stuck on iOS 12 the web-browser kinda sucks... it's so nice to have a reason to log on here using my mid-2009 macbook pro instead of just opening it like an app on my iphone... it has such good community, and i loooove the amount of information i can cram into one profile!!! it makes me so so happy XD
Meilody Sylvanyan wrote07:44pm on 11 August 2024
I like off---line because it feels chill, I log in every other day, update my status, read the feed, poke back, maybe send a friend request to some1 with similar interests and such! I usually feel anxious interacting with ppl on the internet but not here
Tomie Kawakami wrote06:13pm on 11 August 2024
What do you like the most in this site?