off---line keeps evolving and adding new features, so this document may not contain all the latest information.

Get Started On off---line

off---line isn't just a single site; it's made up of lots of separate networks created by users.

Anyone can sign up for off---line

You can search for anyone on off---line, and you can see profiles of people in all the networks, depending on their privacy settings.

Edit Your Profile

Fill out your profile with your photo, your interests, your favourites and more.

What do others see on your profile?

Other people can see how they are connected to you based on things like what your interests are, what your hometown is, mutual friends etc., depending on your privacy settings.

Visualize Your Social Network

The social network shows your social graph. See how you, your friends, and friends of friends are connected.

Update Your Info

off---line connects you to other people based on the information you enter on your profile. Update your activities, interests, favourite etc. as you are discovering new things.

Edit Info

You can choose to create new info or select from the ones other users have already created. You can edit data to improve formatting or correct the spelling. All edits will be reflected across off---line and anyone can see the edit history and contribute to it.

Notifications on Your Home Page

Your Home Page shows you all of your friend requests, pokes, incoming messages, upcoming birthdays, and more.

Your Account

When you log in, we'll show you how many people you are connected to through courses that you are taking and through friends.

Protect Your Privacy

At off---line, we believe you should have control over your information and who sees it. So in addition to the basic visibility rules, we also give you granular control over the information you post to the site.

Privacy Overview

You can see an overall presentation of how much of your profile is visible to other people and you can block individuals you don't want knowing you exist on off---line.