What are off---line Announcements?
off---line Announcements allow users to provide a variety of relevant links to people on our network. These announcements appear globally. And hey, they're definitely better than having to look at banner ads.
How much do announcements cost?
Announcement prices are determined by a number of factors, most importantly the size of the population. Current prices can be viewed here.
Where will my announcement appear?
Your announcement will appear on the left side under the quick search and menu. This space is available for announcements on most of our pages, but your announcement will not appear on every page because we need to show other people's announcements too.
How many times will my announcement be seen?
off---line provides a robust platform for your announcements, ensuring they gain significant exposure. While your announcement may share space with others, our extensive reach across various pages guarantees visibility. The exact visibility can vary, but rest assured, your announcement will capture the attention it deserves. We're committed to maximizing your announcement's impact.
Will there be other announcements in rotation with mine?
Possibly, but only if other people have purchased an announcement to run at the same time. As we said in the question above, though, there are enough page views to go around, so even if your announcement is run in rotation with a few others, it will still be viewed each day.
Is there any way to run my announcement on every page?
Can I change my announcement once I've purchased it?
No, make sure that it's correct on the confirmation page before you purchase it.
What are your standards for announcement content?
We filter announcements for explicit language, but we also reserve the right to remove any announcement if it is, in our judgement, threatening, offensive, obscene, or inappropriate for any other reason. Complaints from other members of the community will be taken very seriously.
What is your refund policy?
Our policy is that we do not give refunds for any reason. This includes if we took down your announcement because it was offensive, if we took down your announcement because you asked us to, if the site was down for some or all of the time that your announcement was supposed to run, or any other reason. This policy works because we receive very few complaints, and most people who buy announcements are very happy with their results.
How do I get started?
Click here.