
Post #5
Ethan Fraser replied to Cybxr ε(*´・ω・)з's post 05:10pm on 22 June 2024
Me too!! I have a nano two and nano six(among other ipods too lol) but the third gen is peak XD
Post #4
Hottopic Wannabe wrote 03:54pm on 17 June 2024
I have 2 ipods: the 7th gen nano and the 4th gen nano. The 4th gen's battery is dead unfortunetly, but I already ordered a new 1 and I'm going 2 get it replaced :D
Post #3 1 reply
Cybxr ε(*´・ω・)з replied to Spectron 24's post 11:17pm on 13 June 2024
ooh ive always wanted to own an ipod particularly the 3rd gen nano and the 2nd gen shuffle ┝\( ‘∇^*)^☆/┥
Post #2 1 reply
Spectron 24 replied to SupekiBlue .'s post 09:39pm on 13 June 2024
I love the iPod. I have 3 in my possession until this moment that I'm writing this post: iPod Classic (6th Gen) and the iPod Touch 2nd and 4th Gen. Right now I'm using more the iPod Touch 4th Gen, just because it's the more usable for me right now (and with the best UI).
Post #1 1 reply
SupekiBlue . wrote 08:30pm on 13 June 2024